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Dr Jaap Hoogenboezem

MA (Leiden), PhD (Hull)
















Contact details


Dr. Jaap. A. Hoogenboezem


Mail address

University of Maastricht

Faculty of Arts and Culture

Dept. of Political Science

P.O. Box 616

6200 MD Maastricht

The Netherlands





+(0)43 - 388 2763






I took my MA in public administration from Leiden University in The Netherlands in 1992, after which I taught political science at the Study Abroad program of Central College (Pella, Ia) in Leiden, The Netherlands, and worked as a civil servant at the Department of Justice. In 1998 I joined the Public Administration department of Delft University of Technology, while at the same time starting to work for a PhD in political science at the University of Hull. Both in Delft and at Hull I was working on liberalization of utilities in the EU, and especially on the performance of governments in reaching goals of (EU) public policy. In June 2003 I defended my dissertation (Implementation in the EU), and in October 2003 I joined the European Studies Program of the faculty of Arts and Culture of Maastricht University. My hobbies are sailing, rowing and mountainbiking.



Current research


Political Leadership

My main research topic is political leadership. I aim at understanding how political leaders succeed and fail. I recently published studies on Louis Beel, a former prime minister of The Netherlands, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Dirk Stikker, Secretary-General of NATO from 1961-1964.

I recently finished a (political) biography of general H.J. Kruls (1902 – 1975), who was Chief of Staff of the General Staff of the Dutch Army from 1945 – 1951. The main importance of this study lies in the fact that general Kruls’ tenure as Chief of Staff is an interesting case-study in political-military relations. In the immediate post-war years the Dutch defence authorities faced a number of big issues, like the build-up of forces after WWII, co-operation with NATO and European defence initiatives, and a brutal war of decolonization in Indonesia, the former Dutch East-Indies, and these events occurred against a background of a country recovering from the German occupation during WWII. The book has been published in March 2010, by Boom publishers, Amsterdam.



Past research

In the past I have done research on the European Union (reform of industrial policy) and rather classical public administration research on performance measurement. Since my interest has shifted more into political leadership and political history I am no longer active in these fields.